Connecting Hands In with your stripe account

1. Setting up a Hands In Account


Stripe Account

  • Merchant must have an existing Stripe account or is willing to create a new stripe account
  • Merchant must be operating in any of the 47 countries currently supported by Stripe. Check if you are eligible here.

1.1 How to Set up a Hands In Account.

Merchants interested in integrating the Hands In group checkout service can register their platform by completing the form below. Details filled into the form are used to set up a Hands In account and a merchant account on the Hands In platform.

Here is a link to the Hands In Onboarding form.



This is currently done manually by the development team at Hands In. Merchants interested in integrating our group checkout service on their platform provide an E-mail and password which is used to create a Hands In account. This manual process of review is subject to change in the near future

1.2 How to create a Hands In merchant account.

When merchants sign up for a Hands In account, there is also a second section on the sign-up form where merchants can also register for their Hands In merchant account. The merchant sign-up form is used to collect more details about the type of integration, the merchant business address and other important details needed to proceed with the integration.

2. Connecting your payment gateway

Hands In uses Stripe OAuth to connect the merchant's Stripe account to their Hands In merchant account. Once this connection has been made, the merchant account on the Hands In API will use the access it has been granted to automatically perform actions on the merchant's behalf through their stripe account.

2.1 How to connect your Stripe account

The Hands In API Merchant Connect Service generates a dynamic link to connect the merchant's stripe account to their Hands In merchant account, upon visiting this link they must log in to their stripe account and grant the permissions requested by clicking β€˜Connect’.


Stripe's OAuth connection flow

2.2 Permissions and access

This connection grants read and write permissions to the Hands In merchant account. This access can be revoked at any time through the Hands In API Merchant Connect Service.

2.3 Usage

When a Hands In merchant account is in use (if a customer is using our checkout to make a purchase at the merchant's store or their developers/site is using Hands In API endpoints) the access token linked to their Hands In merchant account is used to perform the necessary actions on their stripe account. Since their Stripe account is connected to their Hands In merchant account, when a customer is going through the Hands in checkout flow, all actions taken will be reflected on the Hands In API and payment actions taken will also be reflected on the merchants Stripe account. Examples of actions performed through stripe are creating and accepting payments, managing orders, and processing refunds.

When the merchant is logged in to their Stripe account they will be able to see actions such as payments made (through hands in) on their Stripe dashboard as normal.


To read more about how our API makes this connection click here.

2.4 Changing or removing your payment gateway

You are able to change or remove your payment gateway via two methods:

  1. The Hands In API here (note you will need an API key to do this, they can be requested from the email below)
  2. Submit a request by email to [email protected]

2.5 Stripe usage outside of Hands In

Any actions made through Hands In either by the Hands In API or by the Hands In group checkout will be reflected within your Stripe account. Examples of actions performed through Stripe are creating and accepting payments, managing orders, and processing refunds.

Actions performed via Hands In can be viewed and modified in the Stripe dashboard as normal.