Connect Your Payment Gateways

The final step before you can start creating and testing group payments with Hands In is to connect your payment gateway.

Note: This step applies if you own/have control over your payment page. If you use a third-party service to handle payments, please check our integrated payment orchestration platforms here to see if we can streamline this entire process for you


Sandbox vs Live

Please note when connecting your payment gateway, you will need to connect a gateway seperately for both Sandbox and Live mode. Sandbox allows you to test payments without real live transactions being made.

The gateway you connect to Sandbox & Live can be the same gateway with the same credentials.

It is also important to note, you will only be able to access LIVE mode on a paid plan.

In the Hands In Merchant dashboard, please ensure you have sandbox mode enabled in the top left and then click Connect Gateway

You will then be presented with a range of different payment gateways to select from, such as Square, Stripe, and Shuttle.

Note: Shuttle provides access to over 60+ different gateways. If you are not using Square or Stripe. Then please select Shuttle to find your payment gateway.

You will need to provide the required credentials to connect your payment gateway. This can range depending on the gateway you are connecting.


Additional support

If you need additional support with connecting your payment gateway, please reach us via our live chat support or email us at [email protected]

What’s Next

Amazing! Now we can start creating and testing Payments! woo hoo πŸš€